Appdev iOS Training

This training course aims at providing students with a foundation for building iOS apps using XCode in Swift 4. By the end of this training course, hopefully students can explore iOS development further on their own. This training course is required for whoever wants to join Grinnell Appdev but lacks related experience.


Assignments are due every Saturday midnight.
Assignments submitted before deadline will be reviewed and feedback will be given either in the form of email.

To submit assignments, push the code to a Github repository (You only need ONE repo for all the assignments! Just name it iOSTraining or something like that), send the url of that repo and the commit hash of that assignment to The commit must be on the master branch of that repo. Title the email [appdev ios]assignment 1/2/3....

Assignments are generally very light and should not take more than 2 hours per week to finish. If students have any questions related to homework, they can ask me either during office hours or via email.
Submission of assignments is required for completion of this course.

P.S. Replicating does not mean copying the code. You should understand the code first, and then implement the same functionality using your own code (and hopefully in your own style (and hopefully your code is better than mine)).

Office Hours

Tuesdays 6PM - 7PM (CS Commons)
Thursdays 8PM - 9PM (The open space beside CS Commons)

Week Topic Course Video Assignment (DeadLine)
1-2 Git, Xcode & Welcome message 0-5 Assignment 1 (9/22)
Simply replicate the demo app in the course video until the end of video 5 (i.e. finish the home page).
3 Table View 6.1-6.4 Assignment 2 (9/29)
Simply replicate the demo app in the course video until the end of video 6.4 (i.e. finish the table view).
4 Connect to Internet! 7.1-7.2 Assignment 3 (10/6)
Simply replicate the demo app in the course video until the end of video 7.2 (i.e. finish the internet connection).
5 Add more cats 8.1-8.5 Assignment 4 (10/13)
Simply replicate the demo app in the course video until the end of video 8.5 (i.e. finish the add cat page).
6 Tab Bar, App Icon & Launch Screen N/A Assignment 5 (10/20)